Currently Hiring
The NW5 Project is currently recruiting qualified play and youth workers to join our team either as a permanent or sessional member of staff.
If you would be interested in going our team and working in a fun, busy community delivering free provisions to children, young people and their families contact the project directly and request a job application pack.
We especially looking for NVQ level 3 qualified staff to join our senior team.
The NW5 Project believes that volunteers are important to the development of the charity at all levels.
There are opportunities for volunteers in supporting the delivery of direct services, assisting with administration work, involvement in devising publicity and promoting the Project (including improving this website and use of social media), fundraising, maintaining and improving our premises, encouraging donations (including donations of equipment and materials), involvement with task groups and the Board of Trustees, and much more.
Volunteers are always involved in team discussions and planning related to the work they have agreed to undertake, and receive support, training opportunities, and police vetting similar to paid staff. In addition to our regular volunteers, we encourage parents and carers (when they have time) to share their skills and knowledge with the Project and to join in off-site trips as occasional helpers.